Mission and Vision
The Greek photonics community, working either within the country or abroad is highly active and productive in the field of Photonics with a long list of excellent achievements with global impact and reputation. Achievements of Greek Photonic Scientists and Institutions include
- Niche discoveries published in top scientific journals,
- Disrupting patents,
- Innovative products marketed worldwide, and
- Contribution to the Photonic Science and Technology advancement in European level and worldwide.
The entry of the Greek Photonics community into the "photon century" happens in a rapidly varying global socio-economic climate and a financially recessional national landscape.
However, the above circumstances set a great challenge to our community that of aggressively exploiting the nearly limitless future applications of light and to reap the emerging benefits that include the advancement of scientific excellence, the creation of new jobs through scientific innovation and the support of innovation actions that emerge from Greek players in photonics.
The Board

Professor Costas Balas (President)
Director, Electronics Lab, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece and founder of DYSIS-Medical, Q-Cell and Holoptica.

Professor Dimitris Syvridis (Deputy President)
Director, Photonics Technology Lab, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Professor Nikolaos Vainos (Financials)
Group Leader, Photonic Applications Structures and Materials, Department of Material Science, University of Patras Greece.

Dr. Elias Hotzopoulos
Senior Partner, BoD member, Prime Laser Technology SA, Athens, Greece

Professor Alexandros Serafetinides
Director, Laser Development and Applications Lab, Physics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Professor Hercules Avramopoulos
Director, Photonics Communications Lab, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece

Dr. Ioannis Raptis
Senior Researcher, Institute of Microelectronics, NCSR “Demokritos” and Founder of Thetametrisis SA