Fotónica21 -The Spanish Technology Platform for Photonics

The Spanish Technology Platform for Photonics, Fotónica21, includes key players in the sector in Spain. The Spanish platform born to coordinate national activities in the same way to those carried out in the European Technology Platform Photonics21. As in other European technology platforms, the main goal of Fotónica21 is an efficient backbone of industrial innovation process of photonic technology and its applications in four economic sectors identified as key: Technologies for Information and Communications, Industrial Production and Manufacturing, Life Sciences, and Lighting and Displays. In addition, there are three other cross-cutting activities: Security and Sensors, Optical Components and Systems, and Basic Research and Training.

The technologies and capabilities that are covered by our members include: optical sensors, lasers, micromachining, optical fiber, ICT, treatment of cells, microscopy,. One of the main objectives of Fotónica21 is to increase the Spanish participation in the Seventh Framework Programme, within the priorities of the Information Technologies and Communications (ICT), Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production Processes (NMP) and Security (SEC), among the most important.

The specific objectives are:

  • Define and update a Strategic Research Agenda for the Spanish industry of photonics sectors.
  • Influence the implementation of the European Strategic Research Agenda.
  • Improve the competitiveness of the Spanish Science-Technology-Company by strengthening the participation in initiatives and projects of the VII Framework Programme for R & D.

The main functions are:

  • Provide advice to the Administration in the international representatives and represent the Spanish system of Science-Technology- Company by the mechanisms considered most appropriate, given the ongoing European initiatives: Technology Platforms, ERANETs, ERA-PILOTs, etc..
  • Develop a work program to revitalize the area of activity, generate strategic proposals to promote R & D and competitiveness of the sector.
  • Strategic Research

Agenda – The definition of a Strategic Research Agenda is one of the main objectives of the platform, because through this instrument will be possible to implement the vision of Fotónica21. The research priorities are reflected in the Strategic Research Agenda of Fotónica21 must be aligned with the reality of photonics technology in Spain, considering both aspects of industrial development and progress in scientific knowledge in the areas of interest previously identified within the following fields:

  • Information and Communications.
  • Industrial Production and Manufacturing.
  • Life Sciences
  • Lighting and Displays