Website: http://www.electronics.tuc.gr/
Contact Person: Professor Costas Balas
Telephone: +30 28210 37212
email: balas@electronics.tuc.gr
The Electronics Laboratory of the ECE School conducts research, development, training and technology transfer in the fields of photonics imaging and micro- nano- electronics. The Lab is staffed by two faculty members: Professor Costas Balas (Lab Director) and Associate Professor Mattias Bucher, one research fellow: Dr Nathanail Kortsalioudakis and by 15 graduate students. The lab members have succeeded in establishing long-term collaborations with several internationally reputable academic and industrial institutions and have served as organizers or committee members of international conferences. The lab managed to secure multimillion funding from time to time from both international (e.g. FP7: COMON programme, FP6: TARGET-network of excellence, etc), and national (e.g. COOPERATION (3)-HERAKLITOS, AKMON, PENED etc.). Additionally the Lab has been very successful in attracting funds directly from leading industries, such as Toshiba, Austria Microsystems, Dysis-Medical Ltd etc. The Lab’s research has been published in top-ranked technical and clinical journals, including, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, IEEE-Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Clinical Cancer Research Journal etc. The Electronics Laboratory is well equipped with state-of-the-art, hardware and software development platforms, tools for design, simulation, layout, prototyping, characterization and testing of optoelectronic and microelectronic systems and devices. The Lab’s equipment list include (indicatively): a wide collection of laser sources including modern tunable quantum cascade laser, high power tunable coherent and incoherent light sources, wide range of spectrometers, including Raman, UV, NIR, Hyperspectral Cameras, Electron Multiplying Cameras, back illuminated cameras, InGaAs cameras, Low light (-65) cooled cameras, microscopes, a long range of fiber optic bundles, a large collection of prototyping electro-optics, various types of displays and computer hardware for image/video processing, RF Signal Generator, Rohde-Schwarz SMJ100A (6 GHz), Real-Time RF Spectrum Analyzer, Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope (1 GHz) Precision LCR Meter, (2 MHz)Dynamic Signal Analyzer, (100 kHz) DC Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer, Circuit simulation software: Cadence IC & Systems, Dolphin Smash, Mentor Graphics ELDO Instrument control, Parameter extraction: Agilent IC-CAP, VEE Pro 8, Cascade Microtech PCS TCAD simulation (2D/3D).
People | Phone | |
Costas Balas | +30 28210 37212 | balas<at>electronics.tuc.gr |
Matthias Bucher | +30 28210 37210 | bucher<at>electronics.tuc.gr |
Nathanail Kortsalioudakis | +30 28210 37716 | nathan<at>electronics.tuc.gr |
Giakoumakis Theodoros-Marios | +30 28210 37223 | tgiakoumakis<at>electronics.tuc.gr |
Kastrinakis Marios | +30 28210 37223 | makastrinakis<at>electronics.tuc.gr |
Makris Nikolaos | +30 28210 37269 | nmakris<at>isc.tuc.gr |
Mavredakis Nikolaos | +30 28210 37269 | nmavredakis<at>isc.tuc.gr |
Papathanasiou Athanasios | +30 28210 37223 | apapathanasiou<at>electronics.tuc.gr |
Rossos Christos | +30 28210 37223 | crossos<at>electronics.tuc.gr |
Tsapras Athanasios | +30 28210 37223 | tsapras<at>electronics.tuc.gr |
- D. Iliou, G. Epitropou, V. Kavvadias, A. Tsapras, C. Rossos, C. Galaras and C. Balas “Artificial Spectral Vision for Studying the Spectral, the Spatial and the Temporal Characteristics of Dynamic Optical Phenomena in Biomedicine” in IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques Oct 14-17, 2014 Santorini, Greece
- T. M. Giakoumakis, G. Papoutsoglou, D. Haidopoulos and C. Balas “Estimation and Mapping of Cervical Neoplasia-Related Parameters through the Comparison of the in vivo Measured with the in silico Modeled Dynamic Bio-Optical Characteristics” in IEEE 14th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering Nov. 10-12, 2014 USA
- G. Papoutsoglou and C.Balas “Estimation of Neoplasia-Related Biological Parameters through Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Optical Molecular Imaging Data” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 1241-1249, 2013
- G. Papoutsoglou, T. Giakoumakis and C. Balas “Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Optical Imaging of Cervix, in vivo: A Paradigm for Mapping Neoplasia-Related Parameters”, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’13) Osaka, Japan on July 3-7, 2013
- G. Epitropou, V. Kavvadias, D. Iliou, E. Stathopoulos, and C. Balas “A Real-Time Spectral Mapper as an Emerging Diagnostic Technology in Biomedical Sciences”, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’13) Osaka, Japan on July 3-7, 2013
- V. Kavvadias, G. Epitropou, N. Georgiou, F. Grozou, M. Paschopoulos and C. Balas “A Novel Endoscopic Spectral Imaging Platform Integrating K-Means Clustering for Early and non-Invasive Diagnosis of Endometrial Pathology”, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’13) Osaka, Japan on July 3-7, 2013
- V. Kavvadias, C. Balas “Quantitative assessment of the pupillary photomotor response dynamics to tunable, narrow band stimuli”, IEEE 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering (BIBE), 2012G.
- Papoutsoglou, M. Stamatiadou, C. Balas “In silico modeling and global optimization of dynamic bio-optical processes for probing, in vivo, biological features of neoplasia” IEEE-iCBCB 2012, Macau, China May 28-30, 2012
- G. Papoutsoglou, A. Anastasopoulou, G. Stavrakakis, W.P. Soutter and C. Balas, “In vivo Dynamic Imaging, in silico Modeling and Global Sensitivity Analysis for the Study and the Diagnosis of Epithelial Neoplasia” 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Boston, Massachusetts USA, August 30 – September 3, 2011
- V. Margariti, M. Zervakis and C. Balas “Wavelet and Physical Parametric Analysis of the Acetowhitening Optical Effect: Comparative Evaluation of Performances in non-invasive Diagnosis of Cervical Neoplasia” 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine Corfu, Greece, November 2-5, 2010
- C. Balas, “Review of biomedical optical imaging—a powerful, non-invasive, non-ionizing technology for improving in vivo diagnosis” Meas. Sci. Technol. IoP, 20 104020, 2009
- C. Balas, G. Papoutsoglou, and A. Potirakis, “In vivo molecular imaging of cervical neoplasia using acetic acid as biomarker”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 29-42, Jan-Feb, 2008
Electronics Laboratory School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Technical University of Crete Campus, Kounoupidiana 73100 Chania