Photonic Networks and Technology Laboratory

University of Patras
Contact Person: Prof. Kyriakos Vlachos
Telephone: +30 2610 996990


The Photonics networks and technology laboratory is a well-equipped laboratory. Its infrastructure includes 40 Gb/s electrical and lightwave test & measurement equipment, state-of-the art tunable lasers, a complete C-band DWDM test-bed and a fully programmable GMPLS testbed using high-speed FGPAs and MEMS based optical switches.
Key research areas include:

Photonic Technologies

  • Fiber Sensors and Tunable Devices
  • Ultra high capacity transport networks
  • Optical Interconnects for high-performance computing systems
  • Advanced modulation formats and Equalization techniques

Photonic Networks

  • Converged Optical-Wireless networks and enabliing technologies
  • Cross-layer routing algorithms
  • Novel switching paradigms with emphasis in service aware optical network architectures


  1. C. Markos, K. Vlachos, Th. Vasileiadis, V. Dracopoulos, G. Kakarantzas, S. N. Yannopoulos, “Soft glass film deposition in silica solid and hollow core photonic crystal fiber”, in proced. of SPIE Photoninc West 2013.
  2. C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Formation of PDMS films inside the holes of silica photonic crystal fibers” in proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2012.
  3. C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Modeling of photonic crystal fiber with polymer inclusions”, in proceeding of SPIE Photonics Europe 2012
  4. Christos Markos, Spyros N. Yannopoulos and Kyriakos Vlachos, “Chalcogenide glass layers in silica photonic crystal fibers”, OSA Optics Express Vol. 20 Issue 14, pp.14814-14824 (2012).
  5. C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Numerical investigation of a hybrid polymer/silica photonic crystal fiber: guiding and thermal properties”, OSA Optical Materials Express, Vol. 2 Issue 7, pp.929-941 (2012).
  6. Christos Markos, Wu Yuan, Kyriakos Vlachos, Graham E. Town, and Ole Bang, “Label-free biosensing with high sensitivity in dual-core microstructured polymer optical fibers” OSA Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 7790-7798, April 2011.
  7. C. Markos, G. Kakarantzas and K. Vlachos, “Bending Loss and Thermo-Optic Effect of a Hybrid PDMS/Silica Photonic Crystal Fiber”, OSA Optics Exress, vol 18, no.23, pp. 24344 – 24351, Nov. 2010.
  8. C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Guiding and Birefringent Properties of a Hybrid PDMS/Silica Photonic Crystal Fiber” in SPIE proceeding of Fiber Lasers VIII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, Vol. 7914, 791427-1, Photonic West, 22 – 27 January 2011, San Francisco, California, USA.
  9. C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Thermo-optic effect of an index-guiding photonic crystal fiber with elastomer inclusions” in proceeding of Optical Fiber Sensors conference, Ottawa 2011.
  10. C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Partial power recovery of bend-induced loss using a hybrid index-guiding photonic crystal fiber”, in proceed of CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich 2011.


Dept. of Computer Engineering and Informatics, Campus of University of Patras.

Research Field