University of Patras
Contact Person: Prof. Kyriakos Vlachos
Telephone: +30 2610 996990
Contact Person: Prof. Kyriakos Vlachos
Telephone: +30 2610 996990
The Photonics networks and technology laboratory is a well-equipped laboratory. Its infrastructure includes 40 Gb/s electrical and lightwave test & measurement equipment, state-of-the art tunable lasers, a complete C-band DWDM test-bed and a fully programmable GMPLS testbed using high-speed FGPAs and MEMS based optical switches.
Key research areas include:
Photonic Technologies
- Fiber Sensors and Tunable Devices
- Ultra high capacity transport networks
- Optical Interconnects for high-performance computing systems
- Advanced modulation formats and Equalization techniques
Photonic Networks
- Converged Optical-Wireless networks and enabliing technologies
- Cross-layer routing algorithms
- Novel switching paradigms with emphasis in service aware optical network architectures
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos, Th. Vasileiadis, V. Dracopoulos, G. Kakarantzas, S. N. Yannopoulos, “Soft glass film deposition in silica solid and hollow core photonic crystal fiber”, in proced. of SPIE Photoninc West 2013.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Formation of PDMS films inside the holes of silica photonic crystal fibers” in proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2012.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Modeling of photonic crystal fiber with polymer inclusions”, in proceeding of SPIE Photonics Europe 2012
- Christos Markos, Spyros N. Yannopoulos and Kyriakos Vlachos, “Chalcogenide glass layers in silica photonic crystal fibers”, OSA Optics Express Vol. 20 Issue 14, pp.14814-14824 (2012).
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Numerical investigation of a hybrid polymer/silica photonic crystal fiber: guiding and thermal properties”, OSA Optical Materials Express, Vol. 2 Issue 7, pp.929-941 (2012).
- Christos Markos, Wu Yuan, Kyriakos Vlachos, Graham E. Town, and Ole Bang, “Label-free biosensing with high sensitivity in dual-core microstructured polymer optical fibers” OSA Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 7790-7798, April 2011.
- C. Markos, G. Kakarantzas and K. Vlachos, “Bending Loss and Thermo-Optic Effect of a Hybrid PDMS/Silica Photonic Crystal Fiber”, OSA Optics Exress, vol 18, no.23, pp. 24344 – 24351, Nov. 2010.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Guiding and Birefringent Properties of a Hybrid PDMS/Silica Photonic Crystal Fiber” in SPIE proceeding of Fiber Lasers VIII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, Vol. 7914, 791427-1, Photonic West, 22 – 27 January 2011, San Francisco, California, USA.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Thermo-optic effect of an index-guiding photonic crystal fiber with elastomer inclusions” in proceeding of Optical Fiber Sensors conference, Ottawa 2011.
- C. Markos, K. Vlachos and G. Kakarantzas, “Partial power recovery of bend-induced loss using a hybrid index-guiding photonic crystal fiber”, in proceed of CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich 2011.
Dept. of Computer Engineering and Informatics, Campus of University of Patras.